Preparing for a Showing
When you are about to leave your home before a real estate showing there are little details that should be addressed. To make your house look inviting the following suggestions are recommended:
- Make sure all the beds are made and have neat spreads and comforters.
- Clean your dishes. There should be no dishes in the sink, on the table, or on your counter tops.
- Turn off radios, TVs and other noisy appliances.
- Open your window treatments and turn on all the lights before a real estate showing. Make your home bright with lots of light.
- Make sure your pets are in a kennel or crate so they do not disturb the real estate showing visitors. Do not close them in a room and ask the visitors to not let them out because it denies access to that room and there is a chance they might escape if that door gets opened accidentally.
- If you have a pet or smoker in the home, make modest use of air fresheners.
By adhering to these last minute preparations before showings, buyers will feel that you care for your home and maintain it well.